Events for Professionals working with Children and Young People
Kinder by Design - pre-recorded webinar for primary and secondary school staff from Hertfordshire's Virtual School

Kinder By Design | Hertfordshire Virtual School for Just Talk Week - YouTube (16 minutes, 32 seconds)
“There can be no keener revelation than a society’s soul than the way it treats its children” - Nelson Mandela
The ‘Kinder by Design‘ toolkit is a suite of helpful documents and a training presentation. It is for schools to use to prompt reflection and consideration of change to systems and processes that will lead to development of a more inclusive culture; incorporating relational practice and empowering school staff to take ownership of behaviour management.
Children today are under greater pressure than ever before and are carrying the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. To help them make progress, achieve and improve their wellbeing, now is the time to reconsider how we relate to them within the school context. Being kinder will not reduce impact, but will support best outcomes and education opportunity for each and every child.
For more information, please contact the Hertfordshire Virtual School 01992 556915