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On this page you can find lots of information, advice, and tools if you're worried about bullying. Whether you're a young person, parent, carer, or someone who works with young people there is support available for you.

Remember, reaching out and talking to someone is crucial if you're struggling. Support services are available year-round, you'll find information about this below, so don't hesitate to contact them when needed.

If you're experiencing or are worried about bullying

The Sandbox: Useful information, advice and tools

With Youth's live chat service - a safe online space (for ages 5-18) to talk about how you are feeling and find advice and support.

Anti-bullying support for professionals, schools and youth groups

Anti-Bullying support for parents and carers

NESSie's parent and carer support services - support and advice for any concerns you might have about your child's emotional wellbeing 

Find out more about support available for mental wellbeing

If you’re experiencing difficulties, feelings of anxiety or low mood, or while you are adjusting to changes in life you could talk to your parent, carer, teacher or Mental Health Lead at your school, or your GP.  There are also lots of services in Hertfordshire offering support.

Information on where to find support